What to Expect: A Vacation to Ecuador

What to Expect:  A Vacation to Ecuador

While Ecuador – where the people are friendly, the cost of living is low and the weather is pleasant pretty much all year round – is the perfect fit for some, a permanent move abroad is not for everyone is not for everyone. If you’re not sure, this is a great blog post on why some expats decide against the move to Ecuador.


But if you’re just looking to visit somewhere new, then Ecuador is a great option and has so much to offer that you’re sure to find something you’ll enjoy. This is a blog post just for you, so you know exactly what to expect on your first trip. And who knows, maybe you’ll like it so much that you’ll never leave….

  • The Landscape: Nowhere else in the world will you find such natural diversity, in one day you could see everything from volcanoes, to Amazonian rainforest, from Kichwa villages to the magnificent Pacific Coastline. You could go trekking in the Andes or shopping at the amazing marketplace in Otavalo. What you make of the country really is up to you.


  • The Weather: the great thing about Ecuador is that it is a year-round holiday destination. Each region has its own high season, January to May in the paradise like Galapagos Islands, June to September in the highlands. Even in the rainy season it’s dry until afternoon and the locals will be happy to have you whatever the time of year!


  • Travel and Accommodation: this varies massively according to where in the world you are coming from and how long you want to spend in South America…

    If you’re the backpacking type and want to visit Cuenca, then La Casa Cunecana is a great option, the hostel has a large kitchen and very friendly proprietors who speak English, French and German. Make sure to do some research as hostel facilities and availability vary hugely, especially during national festivals.

    If your backpacking days are far behind you, but you’d like to incorporate Ecuador into a larger trip then why not try a South American cruise? Cruises have had a bit of a bad rep in the past but they have improved massively.There is no other way to visit so many places and experience so much in such a short period of time and for such an affordable price. Cruise Kings, who are based in the UK, offer a route which calls at Manta for Quito, the high Andes capital of Ecuador before moving on to Salaverry and Calloao (Lima) to visit the remains of pre-Inca and Inca civilisations – something which is definitely on our bucket list – so it’s worth checking out their cruise deals, there’s loads of options to choose from.


  • Money: Ecuador’s currency is the US dollar so if you’re travelling from the States then that makes life nice and easy! US coins are used alongside Ecuadorian coins of equivalent value and size. It’s a good idea to bring as much of your spending money with you as possible in notes of less than $20, as change can be a bit scarce, and counterfeit notes are fairly common.

    Remember, there is a departure tax on laving Ecudor, so make sure to hold back enough cash for that. Not a problem if you decide to stay…

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